The department is vigorous to the establishment of integration-based research group and the collaboration with other universities on the production, discussion of the physical properties and the development of measurement technologies of magnetic semiconductors, high-temperature superconductors and solid state materials. The physical properties of synchrotron radiation spectroscopy and low-dimensional systems under low temperature and high field are also a part of the collaboration. The two pillars of the development of department are researches on applied physics and R&D of technologies for industries.
On the basis of integration-based research, the research of the department focuses on the production and property analysis of optoelectronic materials and other functional materials. Based on the specialties of faculty members, the researches focus on optoelectronic semiconductors, fiber optics, thermoelectric materials, ceramic, superconductors, and other advance materials. The department establishes long-term partnerships with leading research institutes to expand the channel of cooperation with the industries.