
- Job title Distinguished Professor
- Name Lien-Hui Lance Horng
- Research expertise Magnetic film devices, Superconducting experiments, Physics education
- Office Tel No. 04-7232105#3324

- Job title Professor
- Name Chia-Jyi Liu
- Research expertise Materials Physics、Materials Chemistry、High temperature Superconducting Oxides、Thermoelectric Physics and Materials、Structure-property Relation
- Office Tel No. 04-7232105#3337

- Job title Professor
- Name Yu-Li Lee
- Research expertise condensed matter theory, field theory.
- Office Tel No. 04-7232105#3323

- Job title Professor
- Name Jang Long Lin
- Office Tel No. 04-7232105#3311

- Job title Chairman and Professor
- Name Cen-Shawn Wu
- Research expertise 1.Circuit quantum electrodynamics with superconducting Josephson junction 2.Quantum optics and acoustics on chip 3.Quantum computing and “hybrid” quantum circuits
- Office Tel No. 04-7232105#3360

- Job title Professor
- Name Shih-Yuin Lin
- Research expertise Quantum Information, Non-Equilibrium Quantum Field Theory, Gravitation and Cosmology
- Office Tel No. 04-7232105#3336

- Job title Professor
- Name Meng-Fei Cheng
- Research expertise Physics education, STEM education, scientific modeling, scientific inquiry
- Office Tel No. 04-7232105#3316

- Job title Professor
- Name Bo-Yao Wang
- Office Tel No. 04-7232105#3351

- Job title Professor
- Office Tel No. 04-7232105#3355

- Job title Professor
- Name Chi-Ho Cheng
- Office Tel No. 04-7232105#3386

- Job title Associate Professor
- Name Lin Lin
- Office Tel No. 04-7232105#3348

- Job title Associate Professor
- Name Yee-Mou Kao
- Office Tel No. 04-7232105#3335

- Job title Associate Professor
- Name Shih-Yin Lin
- Research expertise physics education
- Office Tel No. 04-7232105#3312

- Job title Associate Professor
- Name Chin-Ping Hu
- Research expertise Astrophysics, High-Energy Astrophysics, Compact Objects, Time-Frequency Analysis
- Office Tel No. 04-7232105#3320

- Job title Assistant Professor
- Name Borwen You
- Research expertise Terahertz Optics, Integrated Optics, Optical Sensing Principle and Applications
- Office Tel No. 886-4-7232105 ext. 3325

- Job title Assistant Professor
- Name Chieh Lin
- Research expertise High-energy physics experiment, dark particle search, CP violation experiment
- Office Tel No. 047232105#3341

- Job title Assistant Professor
- Name Shih-Yu Huang
Research expertise
Materials design for energy storage and conversion, synthesis of 2D materials, materials design for lithium ion battery, fast-charging of LIBs, hydrogen evolution reaction.
- Office Tel No. 04-7232105#3334

- Job title Professor
- Name Shih-Chuan Gou
- Office Tel No. 04-7232105#3326

- Job title Distinguished Professor
- Name Chi-Yen Huang
- Office Tel No. 04-7232105#3345

- Job title Professor
- Name Yow-Jon Lin
- Research expertise Two-dimensional materials and their device applications, Organic and inorganic solar cells, Organic and inorganic light-emitting diodes, Organic and inorganic thin-film (field-effect) transistors, Organic and inorganic Schottky diodes, Transparent conduct
- Office Tel No. 04-7232105#3379

- Job title Professor
- Name Wei-Chia Su
- Research expertise AR/MR Display, Holographic 3D Display, Projection Display, Optical System Design, Holographic Optical Elements, Liquid-Crystal-Based Holographical Material, Holographic Data Storage.
- Office Tel No. 04-7232105#3359

- Job title Professor
- Name Fu-Li Hsiao
- Research expertise Photonic crystal devices and applications, Phononic crystals devices and applications, Optical and acoustic metamaterials, Artificial neural networks for micro nano-optical devices design, Data analysis based on artificial neural networks.
- Office Tel No. 04-7232105#3393

- Job title Associate Professor
- Name Man-Fang Huang
- Research expertise Light-emitting diodes, Semiconductor laser diode, Compound semiconductor epitaxy, Semiconductor material and device failure analysis Simulation of optoelectronic devices
- Office Tel No. 04-7232105#3318

- Job title Associate Professor
- Name Yu-Wu Wang
- Office Tel No. 04-7232105#3380

- Job title Assistant Professor
- Office Tel No. 049-2563489分機1583

- Job title Professor
- Name Yen-Kuang Kuo
- Research expertise Semiconductor Laser, Light-Emitting Diode, Numerical Simulation
- Office Tel No. 04-7232105#3341

- Job title Professor
- Name Wu-Jong Ching
- Office Tel No. 04-7232105#3343

- Job title Associate Professor
- Name Fang-Yeong Guo
- Research expertise Condensed Matter Physics
- Office Tel No. 04-7232105#3327

- Job title Associate Professor
- Name Jin-Lin Chen
- Office Tel No. 04-7232105#3333

- Job title Professor
- Name Whei-Jen Chang
- Office Tel No. 04-7232105#3332

- Job title Associate Professor
- Name Li-Ji Liu
- Office Tel No. 04-7232105#3325

- Job title Associate Professor
- Name Jiann Lin

- Job title Teacher
- Name 王淑琴