★ 112-2 物理系【專題討論(二)】演講日程表 ★

  • 2024-06-06
  • 張維珊


講題:Quantum memory and quantum processor based on cold atoms

Quantum science and technology has become a hot topic in recent years. The goal is to gain quantum advantage in applications like sensing, communication, computing and simulation utilizing the bizarre features of quantum mechanics, such as coherent superposition, quantum entanglement, uncertainty principle …etc. In this talk, I will introduce our efforts in the topic of quantum communication and computing. Specifically, I will first present our advancement on high-performance quantum memory (QM) based on electromagnetically induced transparency in cold atoms. Quantum memory is a device that can store photonic quantum states in stationary atomic media and retrieve on demand. It is a crucial component in long-distance quantum cryptography based on quantum repeater protocol. Our efforts towards high efficiency, high fidelity, and broad bandwidth of QMs will be reported. Finally, I will introduce our new project towards building a quantum processor for quantum computing and simulation based on two-dimensional single-atom arrays. The basic principle and recent progress will be reported.

講者:中央研究院原子與分子科學研究所 陳應誠研究員
日期:113 年 6 月 12 日(三) 13:10~14:55
地點:本校進德校區格致館 1 樓 811 教室 (22101)